Fendi had launched their 2010 Fortune collection of bags & accessories to bring the good luck in year 2010. The latest Fortune collections features a logo-pattern with ladybug, fishbone and four-leaf clover image printed on them. These lucky charm symbols are believed to bring the owner wealth, love, health and fame.
Here's some collection from the range! Probably for Fendi's lover, you gals can stop by Fendi shop to check out the latest collection!
I do believed many of us out there are luxury bags lover! Like I always said, every girl should have at least 1 luxury bag in our life! Yeah! At least 1 of it! Of course it will be great if you can have the whole collection range of all the branded bags!
I personally is a bag person! I love bags! Especially branded bags! Been hunting for bags on most of my trips and I will never missed a chance to "tumpang" any of my friends who travel abroad to get me the bags I love from the particular countries!
Why do I specially stress on this Fendi Fortune Collection? Hmm... it's because if you purchase any bag from the Fortune Collection from Fendi, you will have a chance to own the Limited Edition Fortune "3 pc Files"!!! I am lucky enough to own 1 of the Limited Edition Fortune Files... muahaha... it's simply because my lovely mom & sis had just recently added their Fendi collection into their bag wardrobe!

Each of the different logo have their own meaning, will explain briefly follow with the photos.

狄更斯筆下天馬行空的經典兒童故事《Magic Fishbone》(譯:魔法魚骨),好心的仙女將一枚魔法魚骨送給愛莉西亞公主,只要許願,財富、愛情或健康便唾手可得。
Fish bones - Fishbone "
Dickens unrestrained classic children's stories "Magic Fishbone" (translation: Magic fish bone), well-meaning fairy will be a magic fish-bone to give love Princess Alicia. simply make a wish, wealth, love or health will be at your fingertips.

"Clover Four-leaf Clover"
According to legend, four-leaved clover is the clover grass sauce Pressing the rare variants, discoverer of good luck will follow, four-leaved clover is the best mascot. Four leaves represent the wealth, love, health and honor

"Ladybug - Ladybug"
Ladybug be regarded as symbol of good luck. Western legend who ladybug fly Come on behalf of good fortune and wealth, if caught ladybug, remember that the number of its body dots, each dot represents a sum of wealth or luck, to bring joy and good luck
Love it? Go check out the latest Fortune collection to own the Limited Edition files now!!
Just got one in Rome on the Via Condotti and just love it!!
It's lovely isn't it? I love them so much...
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