Today definitely not a lucky day for me.... as my precious car was being hit by a neighbour who stayed in a different condo block....
Well, for me, today is another 1 fine day indeed, went to work in morning as usual... having monday blue as usual, rushing for monday report as usual too.... everything happen after lunch where unusually things happened!
I received a call from hubby about 2.30pm, telling me that my MIL had called him and told him someone had hit my car at home and trying to escape from the crime scene! Lucky me as the guards who sitting at the guard house saw the incident! My car actually park very near to the guard house. The guard who witness the crime/accident had quickly snap picture of the car who hitted mine and report to their management office. At the same time they sent someone to my MIL's house to inform her that someone hit my car!!
I was so upset and felt so angry about it! As I thought my car will be safe at home.... who knows there is still accident happen!!! After I talked to my MIL, I really felt like going home to check out how is my car now.... however, managed to spoke with the management office and they told me my car was badly injured at the rear side, bumper fell down and the car position was moved! Lucky me, as the management office found me the phone number of the guy who hit my car.
When I called that guy and asked him how all this happened, he just tell me that he actually dropped something and trying to pick it up from the floor, when he trying to get back up, he accidently pressed the accelerator and the steering gone wild and hit my car!! OMG!!!!! I was really pissed, what a lame reason he gave me..... Then I asked if my car was badly hit?? Guess what he told me?? He said... no la... your car is just minor case, my own car was in bad shape! My front left side & door was badly hit!!!
Kns... when I reached home, I almost fainted when saw my car in this shape & position!!! Gosh!! After so many years, this is the first time my car injured so badly!!!!!
Anyway, there is nothing I can do nor I can changed what had already happen!
Here's how my car look like now... anyway, that malay guy told me he will be responsible and he will pay for the repair for my car... so I will send my car to ICU and hopefully when it return back to me.. it will be in it original parts & shape....

Rear bumper was fell down and hanging half on the car & another half on the floor!

Please tell me what you think??? Whose car is badly injured???
oh no thats such a hassle! luckily you were'nt inside your car when it happened! did you speak with the driver who hit your car already? in times like these, remember to take deep breaths. :D
take care babe! :)
aiyo.. your car more serious, this toyota not that bad shape.
aiii... that baka keep said that his car is worse!! T.T
ya lar... your car more serious ok?!!!! WTH he told you his car is badly hit.. hahahahahaha
Pity you lar my dear.. dun worry, since he willing to pay the bill.. lucky lar..
From Arwen
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