I found another great article, not sure about the source, as I received it in email from a friend of mine and would like to share with you gals! As many of you do not read Chinese, therefore I decided to translate the meaning into English on the following lines. I might not be good in translating, but I will try to at least explain the meaning of it!
習慣,就是時間累積而來的一種動作。(Habit, is a behavior that accumulated from time.)
早上,我總是走進7-eleven。 走了走,東選西選,還是選回了每天吃的三明治。 習慣,就是時間累積而來的一種動作。(Habit, is a behavior that accumulated from time.)
(Every morning, I will walk into 7-11. Walk around to choose what I want for breakfast, but I still choose what I eat everyday ~ Sandwich!)
(When reached office, usually will switch on the CD player and started to listen to songs! Choosing what songs to listen to, but still pick my favorite song!)
(When reached office, usually will switch on the CD player and started to listen to songs! Choosing what songs to listen to, but still pick my favorite song!)
(Before started to do programming, usually will wash the cup and go nearby the water dispenser machine, looking at those cans & bottles of water, at the end still take a pack of water and leave!)
(In our life, usually we need to make a lot of choice. Have to make decision, many of them. What to eat, what to do, what to play, what to see..... )
雖 然你每天都在做選擇。不過,總是...總是... 會選回你每次選的那個。因為習慣。
(Although you have to choose from choices everyday, but, you will always choose the ONE you had chose! It's all because of HABIT!!!)
(Habit, is a behavior that accumulated from time.)
(Lovers always said: "I do not love you anymore, as it's all became HABIT!!")
其實,習慣並沒有什麼不好。它讓你自然的去做。自 然的去想他,自然的去愛他。
(Actually, there is nothing wrong with Habit!! As they lead you to do something naturally. Think of him/her naturally, in love with him/her naturally!)
其實,習慣並沒有什麼不好。它讓你自然的去做。自 然的去想他,自然的去愛他。
(Actually, there is nothing wrong with Habit!! As they lead you to do something naturally. Think of him/her naturally, in love with him/her naturally!)
(If you realized you do not contribute in a relationship, maybe you think you already used to it, used to the companionship of him in your life, that is true love. )
我一直認為 , 很多事情開始要一個人獨自去做時, 就失去它的意義:
(I always think that, a lot of things will be meaningless if do it alone:-
當 (when:-
習慣了兩個人一起吃飯 (Already used to dine together)
習慣了兩個 人一起看書 (Already used to read together)
習慣了兩個人一起工作 (Already used to work together)
習慣了兩個人一起散步 (Already used to jog together)
習慣了兩個人一起回家 (Already used to go home together)
習慣了兩個人一起聊天 (Already used to chit chat together)
習慣了兩個人一 起商量事情 (Already used to discuss together)
習慣了兩個人一起發呆 (Already used to day dream together)
習慣了兩個人一起喝咖啡 (Already used to drink coffee together)
習慣了兩個人一起.......... (Already used to do many other things together.....)
習慣了兩個人一起吃飯 (Already used to dine together)
習慣了兩個 人一起看書 (Already used to read together)
習慣了兩個人一起工作 (Already used to work together)
習慣了兩個人一起散步 (Already used to jog together)
習慣了兩個人一起回家 (Already used to go home together)
習慣了兩個人一起聊天 (Already used to chit chat together)
習慣了兩個人一 起商量事情 (Already used to discuss together)
習慣了兩個人一起發呆 (Already used to day dream together)
習慣了兩個人一起喝咖啡 (Already used to drink coffee together)
習慣了兩個人一起.......... (Already used to do many other things together.....)
(And when you are alone, there will not be happiness there anymore.... )
請珍惜你身邊所有, 把握任何一個美麗的機會, 失去了就不再了...
(Therefore, please treasure what you have now, treasure every opportunity, as it when it is gone, you will never gain back!!)
現在請你回想一下, 你習慣的那個人,是不是讓你感覺很熟悉,就像家人一樣?
(Now, let's think back, the one you used to, is it the one you familiar with? Such as your family members?)
(It's not easy to own this feeling, if you have it, please treasure it!)
(Maybe there is one day when you loss it only realize that actually this person is important to you!)
(Maybe there is one day when you loss it only realize that actually this person is important to you!)
(Fate is a special feeling, it's a gift to those who will treasure with their heart!)
最近你是否不再那麼用心,去關心或態度冷淡了嗎??? 趕快去抓住你那個熟悉的人吧,必竟你們曾經走過那一段, 不是嗎?
(Do you think you are not so concern recently? If yes, go grab the person you love/familiar with, after all, both of you had been through special moment together, don't you??!!!)Share with me you thoughts about this article, what do you think? Do you like it?
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